Friday, February 11, 2011

Rekomendasi kepada: 300 words

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Korang pernah tengok movie 300? Korang pernah habiskan RM300 dengan membeli buku? Anda pernah jumpa blog yang setiap entrynya adalah tidak lebih dari 300 patah perkataan? Haaa...Aku dah jumpa...Dia punya profail pun camtu gak.
Dari satu sudut, blog ni mungkin lebih macam kepada golongan penulis. Tapi dari sudut search engine dan blogging tips, menulis entry dengan limitation sebegini mengajar kita untuk menulis sesuatu dengan lebih precise. Kita akan gunakan perkataan yang tepat dan efektif. Dan ilmu ini penting sebab kita kena pakai ayat pendek yang power masa main tweet-tweet. Korang mula dengan entry yang ni:


Have you watch the 300 movie? Have you ever spent RM300 to buy books? Or have you ever come across a blog where each if the entries are not more than 300 words? Haaa..I did. Even the blog owner's profile is written not more than 300 words.

From one angle, this blog could be more inclined towards the 'writers' crowd. But from search engine and blogging tips point of view, writting entries which such limitation teaches us to be more precise with our words. We will use the right and effective word to convey the writting's message. And this skill is important because we need to use short and sharp sentences in our tweets to our friends. So, lets start with this entry.


Komen kepada: tak payahlah....cancel!

Entry asal: 

Berdua-duaan dengan emak dalam kereta memang best. Sebab emak kaki berborak, tidak seperti saya yang menurun sifat aruah ayah, lebih banyak diam mendengar. Cuma sekali sekala menyampuk dan bertanya itu ini dengan emak.

Perjalanan sejam setengah ke hospital menjadi pendek dan tak terasa, walau suasana di luar masih gelap pagi selepas subuh.

"Kaki emak camana? "

Baca sampai habis...

Salam cikgu normah,

Saya suka dengan soalan ice breaker cik dalam keta. Saya boleh relate walaupun mak saya takde masalah kat kakinya. Ataupun saya ni berminat dengan berbekam. Yang boleh relate tu ialah pengalaman berborak dengan mak dalam keta.

Macam dalam kes cikgu, pengalaman itu berakhir dengan keindahan. Masing-masing ketawa dengan lawak dapat period lepas berbekam. Ada setengah orang punya pengalaman berborak dengan mak pula lain dari cikgu punya. Ada yang takde pengalaman langsung. Secara subliminalnya, perenggan ini menggalakkan pembaca untuk mula membawa mak mereka berborak dalam kereta sebelum terlambat. Dan pastikan berborak dalam keta itu semasa dalam perjalanan ke satu tempat yang mak kita suka. Kalau berborak dalam keta dan keta kat dalam garaj, alamat tak lama lepas tu mak kita akan mula sakit kaki...

Apapun, saya tertarik sebab saya suka nama blog cikgu. Cool la. Ingatkan blog pasal nightlife atau clubbing atau senarai mapler terhangat dalam KL tadi...

cayang mak!

Komen kepada: Outlaw Artist: The Curious Case of Mark Augustus Landis

Entry asal:

Forgery is the bane of the art world. An artist passes his work off under another artist’s name and reaps financial gain. But what does it mean when a forger practices his trade for art’s sake without accepting a cent in return? In a recent issue of Financial Times, John Gapper documents the curious case of Mark Augustus Landis (shown above), a forger who for the past three decades donned disguises to coax museums across the United States to accept his work as a “donation” done by a name (but not too big a name) artist. As far as anyone can tell, Landis hasn’t broken any laws by asking for nothing in return for his art, but has he violated a different code through his actions? Or has this strange outlaw given a unique testimonial to the power of art to drive an individual to go to any lengths for self-expression?

selami dunia seni Bob di sini.

Hi Bob!

I just knew there's such a person like Mark Ausgustus in this world after reading your entry. I wonder what motivated Mark in doing what he did. Did he really do it for the sake of self-expression? This is already beyond the issues of forgery. It almost sound psychological. Like a "Wow!"

For me, once a piece of art (like a painting) is presented to the world, segments of the 'message' has been sent. The message could be to the painter himself, the object in the painting, or to those who took the time to understand. There's thousands of sent messages all over the world that need to be read. I could spend hours in galleries, libraries and internet chat forums (what?).

So there are senders and there are receivers.
I think Mark was trying to say something. We need to look at the pictures and arrange them and ask Mark what does it mean...

Then only, I think Mark's ART is complete.
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